If you’ve spent enough time in a classroom, you’ll know that all students don’t have the same or even similar learning aptitudes. They’re at different levels of understanding, which is also reflected in their test scores. However, if we dive deeper into the reasons for this imbalance, we will see that differences in learning styles are a major factor. Some students might struggle with certain concepts, while others find them easy simply because they don’t learn the same way. It’s possible that the teacher’s teaching style matches the group who thinks those concepts are easy. This means we must find ways to personalize the learning process to accommodate all students through a personalized learning platform.
Now, implementing personalization in traditional classrooms and in-person classes is not exactly possible due to time and place constraints. It’s unreasonable to expect a single teacher to cater to the unique learning behaviors of at least 20 of their students simultaneously – and that’s where EdTech comes in. EdTech effectively integrates technology into education to support better learning outcomes. Emerging technology has begun to blend artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to completely transform learning across institutions through personalized learning platforms. What’s more, recent studies have found how EdTech supports personalized learning because students feel more engaged and motivated to learn using EdTech tools.
Let’s also not forget that digital mediums are already meaningful to students, so allowing them to connect with their learning materials through their smartphones helps them understand more easily. Besides this, the use of technology by EdTech organizations makes learning more immersive and adaptive by removing language barriers and enabling students to study the way they learn best. So, essentially, it eases the burden of studying and saves a ton of time for students since they can study at 2x the speed!
But enough about students – educators are also interested in how EdTech supports personalized learning because personalized learning platforms translate to better student outcomes and higher efficiency. Automation is also a big part of educational technology, and teachers can delegate repetitive tasks to AI models and chatbots. Sometimes, they can even get these models to grade tests and provide feedback.
This blog discusses how EdTech supports personalized learning and the central role of EdTech organizations in developing personalized learning platforms for students and educational institutions.
7 Ways Edtech Organizations Support Personalized Learning
EdTech can significantly benefit students, educators, and even educational institutions, and we’ve listed some of these benefits below:
Students Can Learn at Their Own Pace
Online learning platforms like SimpliTaught provide personalized learning experiences to students. They can learn wherever and whenever they want without being restricted to certain places or specific time slots, creating better engagement because students can study at their own pace. This genuinely helps the learning process because they don’t need to rush to keep up with their peers. Instead, they can fully focus and break down each concept, allowing their brains to gradually absorb the information and form connections between ideas. And with assignments or presentations, they’ll get the chance to organize the information in their brain and share it with others, which is a great way to improve information retention.
Compared to a traditional classroom, which focuses on the teacher, an Ed-Tech-based personalized learning platform shifts the focus on students, allowing them to learn how they learn best.
Students Can Instantly Access Personalized Study Materials
Another great thing about personalized learning platforms is that they often provide additional learning materials to help students view the same concepts from different perspectives. This usually means students can access various materials like podcasts, articles, blogs, research papers, videos, short films, and other resources. So, regardless of their learning styles, students can get the support they need from eLearning platforms such as SimpliTaught. SimpliTaught’s AI will find various resources related to textbook chapters on the internet, and students can instantly access them through their dashboards.
It Can Match Students with the Right Teaching Style
Different students learn differently, and different teachers teach differently, but SimpliTaught brings them together. Personalized learning means students can access individualized instructions instead of trying to conform to their instructors’ teaching methodologies – they can learn by leveraging their unique learning styles. Personalized learning platforms present information in a way that makes more sense to students by matching them with learning materials that align with their learning style.
It Brings the Educational Community Together
When discussing how EdTech supports personalized learning, we usually talk about online learning platforms. But wait – before you jump to conclusions about how ‘ineffective’ or ‘isolated’ online learning can feel, we want to warn you against these online learning myths. Online learning is not at all ineffective or isolated. eLearning platforms for students, like SimpliTaught, even provide collaborative learning opportunities for students. Students can contact educators or other students on the platform to discuss book chapters, share notes and ideas, and ask questions – and that’s exactly the kind of support students need in the 21st century!
Students and Teachers Have More Free Time
EdTech organizations provide tools and solutions that remove learning barriers and make education more accessible for students. Personalized learning platforms help students learn according to their unique learning behaviors and preferences at twice the speed! This means they’ll have more free time to deal with responsibilities like work, family, and relationships – a BIG step towards potentially improving their mental well-being. As for educators, they can automate a huge chunk of their day to avoid burnout. In fact, studies show that EdTech can save an average teacher almost 20-40% of their time.
Doing so would allow them to monitor student growth and performance instead. For example, SimpliTaught’s ML model gives educators insights into how students interact with content, and they can actually use this feedback to improve the course for future students.
EdTech Focuses on Individual Growth – So No One is Left Behind
There’s a Hawaiian concept called “Ohana,” which means family, and that no one gets left behind or forgotten – and that pretty aptly captures the idea of personalized learning. EdTech organizations focus on individual students rather than the classroom as a whole. This means every single student will be able to access learning materials, and instructions aligning with their learning styles, and all students will reach the expected academic standards at the end of the semester. Different students might take more or less time to get there at their own pace – but at least they’ll all graduate successfully.
EdTech Ensures Equitable Access to Classrooms
Another reason we love EdTech tools is they ensure equitable access to classrooms, especially for college students with learning disabilities. These students might have specific academic needs, and the personalization of eLearning through AI can accommodate these needs. This is especially great because we know a lot of college students don’t feel comfortable disclosing their disabilities to their schools, and this allows them a way out (kind of).
Discover How SimpliTaught Supports Personalized Learning
SimpliTaught is a personalized learning platform that supports college students using AI and ML. SimpliTaught’s AI finds useful content from all over the internet, and our ML model observes how students interact with this content. This helps us personalize our AI-based recommendations to include the most helpful content that aligns with the student’s learning style.
Learn more about how EdTech supports personalized learning and what EdTech organizations like SimpliTaught are doing to help students all over the world learn smarter and get better grades. Contact us today at info@SimpliTaught.com.